Holy Cross Catholic Church

Browsing Daily Reflection

Always grateful… Monday 4-6-2020: Holy Week

Isaiah 42:1-7; John 12:1-11

With Palm Sunday, we have entered the peak of the Paschal Mystery – the Passion, Death at the Resurrection of our Lord. However, while today’s first reading gives us a description of the Suffering Servant whose unjust suffering is the expression of God’s love for us, the gospel brings to us a corollary message that should characterize our attitudes and answers to God: gratitude.

But how does gratitude bear a meaning in today’s situation as we struggle with the pandemic outbreak? Is it possible to be thankful while everything seems falling apart? Of course, yes. Saint Paul says, “In every circumstance give thanks to God…” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). The story of Mary who has experienced forgiveness is given to us today as a call and a reminder to always be thankful to God who will never give up on us. Our faith in the mystery we celebrate during the Holy Week makes us look at the present situation through different lenses. Despite its frightening nature and its devastating effects, we are reminded that Jesus Christ is taking upon Himself our sufferings, fears, worries, illness, brokenness, and everything that pulls us down in order to transform it to a source of consolation and comfort. Therefore, we thank God for this trying time that challenges our faith, and for the gift of Jesus Christ who accepted to take upon Himself everything that challenges us to set us free.

Personally, as your pastor, I thank God for the blessing that you are to me and to our Holy Cross parish family. Seeing many of you at the church to pick your blessed palms was a very uplifting time and experience. Thank you for your love and your support for your parish, and thank you for keeping your faith alive especially during this trying time.

As we look at the present situation as a challenge that calls us to be thankful to God in every situation, for He is the solution, let us continue to pray for one another, for our parish family and for the world.

Fr. Emery