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17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 26, 2020

Dear friends,

Today’s first reading brings to light the way consideration for things that matter in life has changed in history and how far away we have  gone from keeping God at the center of our life. Imagine that the request God asked Solomon to make has been addressed to us, in the present context. With little doubt, we may almost all agree that our request would be to ask for more power and strength to crush those who disagree with us, more individual or personal honor and more material possession.  Who would think about asking for God’s wisdom?

Solomon’s request to God reminds us about what should matter and take priority in our life as disciples of Christ and keepers of one another. As disciples and participants in the priesthood and kingship of Christ in virtue of our baptism, we are reminded that we should put our hearts in what remains forever: wisdom to follow Christ and to transform the world, making of it a living place agreeable to all. The wisdom Solomon is asking for starts with the fear of the God, as the Scripture teaches (Proverbs 9:10). The king understood that God’s wisdom is all he needed because it is the door to every true happiness and joy. And these are the result of the fulfillment of his mission as God’s lieutenant.

The gospel reading hammers it at home with the same call. Nothing is better than sharing in the kingdom of God, experience perfect communion and living in the bosom of the Lord. This why we are to sell everything to get it. Like Solomon who asked for wisdom, which communion with the Lord, fear of Lord and walking in God’s sight, we also are called to reevaluate what takes primacy in our life and ask for intimacy with God. Solomon received wisdom and he led the people of God as a righteous and just king. He knew he has been made keeper of God’s children with the mission to lead them to experience and taste the goodness of God.

Today, we are to respond to these two questions: first, what do I ask for from God whenever I pray? What can I exchange or trade for the kingdom of heaven that I have found, and which is above everything? Second, how do I reflect in my daily life the mercy and wisdom of God whose image I am? How do I let God’s wisdom lead me in my choices and decision-making?

Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family as we ask for God’s wisdom to lead us and to inspire us in our relationships with one another. You and your loved ones are in my prayers.

Fr. Emery


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