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2nd Sunday in Easter/Sunday of the Divine Mercy - April 19, 2020

Dear friends,

Today’s the second Sunday of Easter. It is coined “Divine Mercy Sunday.” Reflecting on Divine Mercy in the present context is to gaze upon the ever loving and merciful heart of Jesus Christ who, while we were still sinners, accepted to shed Hi blood for our sake.

This past Wednesday, April 15, 2020, was a special day for our parish family. We celebrated one year of the dedication of our Divine Mercy Chapel. Reflecting on the mystery that is carried out and the amount of time we spend in this chapel with its exposition tabernacle, I ceaselessly thank God for the blessing of each and all of you here at Holy Cross. Every time, when I celebrate my private Holy Mass therein during this pandemic outbreak, I continually lift up each and all of you to God and beg Him for His protection and care upon you.

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, the gospel reading reminds us that Jesus takes no pleasure in condemning Thomas. Rather, He invites him to faith and to humble acceptance of what God has placed in front of him. Like Thomas, we all are invited to dive in the ocean of God’s mercy which flows from the side of Jesus Christ wherefrom gushed water and blood to cleanse us. In His mercy, God calls us to accept the gift of His peace. More than ever, we hunger for that peace; the peace of Jesus Christ which no one and nothing can take from us.

Today, like the disciples, we are trembling with fear. The present pandemic leaves us in distraught and our faith is shaken. However, comfort and encouragement from the Lord come to wipe away the gloom of darkness and fear when He says, “Peace be with you!” He gives us His peace because He knows how much we need it, especially at this time. Therefore, embracing the peace of the Lord becomes the first step we are called to take on our journey of trust in the Lord. His peace is exactly an expression of His mercy and grace upon us.

As a community and a family of faith, born in new hope from the resurrection of the Lord, we are called to join hands and hold one another and follow in the footsteps of the first community of the believers whose example is given to us in the first reading. Our spiritual communion or unity as children of one family of God cements our unity as we share our anxieties, our joys and sufferings, our laughter and mourning, as well as God’s blessings upon us and our hopes.

Today, in a very special way, I am offering the Holy Mass of Divine Mercy that I am celebrating at 3 pm for you, my dear Holy Cross Parishioners. I know that we will all be united in spirit during the celebration; that the Lord will grant us His peace, and He will reunite us again to celebrate this mystery of our salvation in person as community and family.

In the meantime, I assure you of my prayers. May the Risen Lord keep you all safe and healthy, and may His peace be upon us all, as we continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.

Fr. Emery


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