Holy Cross Catholic Church

Browsing Fr. Emery's Blog

First Sunday in Lent - March 6, 2022

Dear friends,

Welcome back to our Pastor’s weekly postings. It has been a while and I cannot wait to share with you my reflection on the Word of God, particularly as we embark on this Lenten Journey with the Lord in the desert.

This First Sunday of Lent puts in front of us the scene of the Lord’s temptation in the desert following His baptism. Three things which challenge all of us in our daily lives are brought to light: honor, power, and possession (food). While all these things are real, it is rather in my understanding the Lord’s attitude that is more appealing and challenging to us. He demonstrates deep and total obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit who took Him to the desert to spend time in prayers where the Evil one grabs “his chance” to tempt the Son of God.

Undoubtedly, obedience is a wonderful word. However, to fulfill it in our lives is another matter that very seldom penetrates our ways of life. Our pride and self-centeredness constitute the stumbling block towards the realization of that wonderful virtue in our lives. Today, the Lord is reminding us of and teaching us that we cannot share in His glory without striving to live the virtue of obedience. Obedience, as we can see, is the expression of our total surrender to the will of God. It is the fulfillment of what the Lord said to Simon Peter: “When you become old, people will lead where you do not want to go.” But here, it is God who leads us; it is the Holy Spirit who directs us. Therefore, letting the Holy Spirit guide us and trusting in God’s project on with us, is the true way we can respond to His call to journey with him in the desert.

These forty days in the desert reveal to us the true source of our lives: “man does not live of bread alone.” We are reminded that food is not an end by itself. Rather, it is a means God provides us with to sustain our lives in order to serve Him through and by our service to one another. Power, honor, and need for self-satisfaction cannot obstruct our relationship with God. Nor can they divert us from trusting and relying on Him. Today’s readings remind us that if we seek first the kingdom of God, everything else will be given us besides.

As we embark on this new journey with Jesus who shows the way, because He Is The Way, let’s rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to find out what God’s purpose is for us during this time of our salvation. And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.

Have a Blessed and fruitful Lenten Season.

Fr. Emery


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