Holy Cross Catholic Church

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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 17, 2021

Dear Friends,

Aspiration for greatness and hunger for honor and consideration are all characteristics of human life. The desire to satisfy these aspirations have been and still are the causes of the so many wars, conflicts and so much suffering in the world as well as in our families, parish communities and so on.

In today’s gospel reading, Christ comes to reverse and to challenge to false understanding and assumption that link honor with power and authority. Christ shows us that honor, respect and all that is related to social consideration should stem from the spirit of service. Service to and for the sake of others is the characteristic by and through the disciples of Christ should be defined. Christ himself gives us the example. By humbling Himself and taking the rank of a slave and servant, God exalted Him above all.

The Church has always understood herself as servant. This mission is made tangible through the many ways her sons and daughters are committed to serving those Christ called the little ones and the poor. Today, the same temptation to seek honor and consideration from a position of authority or responsibility many disciples of Christ in their attempt to fulfill their missions as disciples. We are invited today to reflect on our own understanding of the responsibility Christ has entrusted to us in the Church. To accept Christ is to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others.

Today we welcome the Sisters of Jesus, the High Priest, who will be sharing with us the challenges they face in their missionary work. They come to us to ask for prayers and support. Here we are given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many children whose lives depend on their service. The sacrifices we will accept today will be the source of comfort for others. To say it simply: God blesses us so that we may bless others.

As we strive to strengthen the spirit of service in our lives and in our parish family, let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.

Fr. Emery


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