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Adult CatechismThe adult catechism ministry is a vibrant and essential part of our faith journey. With a mission to deepen the understanding of our rich Catholic tradition, it offers a nurturing environment for learning, reflection, and discussion. Through exploration of Church teachings, this ministry empowers participants to grow in faith, strengthen their relationship with God, and foster a deeper connection with their fellow parishioners. It is an opportunity to delve into the profound wisdom of our faith, embracing the lifelong process of spiritual growth and renewal. Contact: Deacon Bill DeLiberis deaconb@holycrossrcc.com |
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Bible StudyIn the Acts of the Apostles, we hear the account of the Ethiopian whom the apostle Philip baptized after opening his understanding to the Scriptures (Acts 8: 26-40). The Bible study program is passionate about helping believers connect with God through study of sacred Scripture. Parishioners and visitors alike are offered the opportunity to come together to study the four senses of Scripture and the practical ways this deeper understanding can be applied in the lives of each of the faithful. Here are some advantages of joining the Bible Study Program at Holy Cross:
Contact: Deacon Bill DeLiberis deaconb@holycrossrcc.com |
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Book StudyBook Study at Holy Cross is made up of parishioners who meet to discuss books focusing on spirituality and growth. It is open to anyone interested in reading and discussing Catholic literature, from devotional and theological works to the biographies of saints and even fiction. The books are chosen by the group and are not limited to any single genre of literature. Everyone is welcome to join in and participate. Contact: Laura McKenna tennismc@msn.com |
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Caminar AdelanteIn an era where faith is often challenged by a multitude of questions and uncertainties, the Spanish Adult Catechism Ministry emerges as a guiding light, providing a nurturing space where individuals are encouraged not just to seek answers to their spiritual inquiries but also to engage in dialogue where they can share their insights, perspectives, and experiences. This dynamic exchange paves the way for a deeper and more meaningful connection to the Catholic faith as they draw from the wellspring of the Catholic tradition to find support, inspiration, and guidance. Contact: Pedro Ojeda peterojeda31@gmail.com |
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Eucharistic AdorationEucharistic adoration is an invitation to intimate conversation with our Lord and Savior, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. It is a place for us to pour out our souls to God, who waits to give himself to us completely. It is he who is saying, “I am always here for you.” We look at Jesus and Jesus looks at us. We allow the gaze of God to penetrate our deepest selves and transform us with his love—love like no other. Your holy hour will be spent in silent prayer and meditation. Bring your own prayer books, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and enjoy the peace that comes from simply being in the presence of God. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the main church takes place every Wednesday and first Friday of the month following the 8:00 am Mass. The adoration chapel is open each day between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm except for certain times during the holidays. Should the church be closed for inclement weather or some other reason, the chapel will be closed as well. Contact: Laura McKenna tennismc@msn.com |
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Home Enthronement of the Blessed Virgin MaryThe ministry of the enthronement of Our Lady as queen of the home invites us to respond to Christ's call made during his Passion as he said, “behold your mother”, which is also an invitation to take Mary into our homes. We recognize Mary's great place in God's plan of salvation for his people. She is queen in the truest sense of the word, for she rightly reigns at Jesus' side over the kingdom he established: the kingdom of God in heaven, and his kingdom in the hearts of men. As Queen of heaven and earth she enjoys a special place in the Sacred Heart and in ours. She is both the mother of Jesus and is our mother as well. Mary is the primary and most important intercessor between her Son and us, while Jesus is the intercessor to the Father for us. Embracing her as queen of our home is a profound way to invite her presence into our lives, uniting us more deeply with the kingdom she and her Son so lovingly reign over. Blessed virgin Mary, queen of heaven and earth, pray for us! Contact: Maria & Reinaldo Rojas Garciamm.mg@gmail.com |
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Small GroupsSmall Groups is a new ministry. Ron and I live across the parking lot in 5 Towns and will be starting the first Small Group meetings with residents of our community, in September. All of you are invited to form and join small groups throughout the Holy Cross parish family. The goal of this ministry is:
We have experienced a deep personal tragedy and know that being in the company of people of faith, who care about you, and understand your difficulties, can be tremendously uplifting. A person could attend a Small Group meeting, for example, and prefer not to even speak, but just listen, and still benefit from the presence and blessings of the Holy Spirit upon everyone who is present. We know from experience how powerful is the gift of friends who will laugh with you, and provide support, encouragement, and prayer through all the ups and downs of life. We invite everyone to consider joining, or becoming a leader, of a Small Group. We would be happy to answer your questions and provide more information. You can call the office and leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Also, forms will be available in the narthex for you to take home, complete, and return to the church so we can contact you if you have some interest. Thank you very much. Contact: Debbie & Ron Meledandri dmeledandri@gmail.com |