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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 11, 2021

Dear Friends,

At the end of every eucharistic celebration there is commissioning. The priest says, “The Mass is ended, go in peace to love God and serve one another!” This means that the end of our gathering is exactly the beginning of the mission. We are meant to live eucharistically and to be the living eucharist.

In today’s readings we are reminded of the mission of a prophet and of the disciples. It is amazing that God for whom nothing is impossible, chooses Amos who has no link with prophethood to fulfill his mission. He makes of him a prophet to prophesy on God’s behalf. The story of Amos is a constant reminder to us that God chooses us not based on our qualities or capabilities, but for a mission for which He is Himself the source and the provider.

Disciples and messengers, we were chosen and made before we came to the world. The purpose of this choice is that we may live with and like Him; bearing witness to the truth and the justice He sends us to implement in the world. All this summarizes the purpose of the call. God calls and sends us to spread the good news of His glory and His endless love for humanity; the love with which He loved us before the foundation of the world.

Today’s gospel reading highlights the purpose of the choice. God chooses us to go. After feeding us with His words and His body, Christ sends us like the disciples to be His witnesses in the world. He assures us not to be concerned with our own food safety or security; for when He sends us He at the same token provides what is necessary for to accomplish and fulfill the mission. Christ tells us not to worry about ourselves, for He is the one in charge. Didn’t He say, “Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be given you besides”? Today, he gives us that assurance that if we trust in Him on our mission journey He sends us, there is nothing we shall want.

As we strive to fulfill with trust and confidence the mission of the gospel for the glory and praise of our God, and the salvation of our brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.

Fr. Emery


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