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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 16, 2020

Dear friends,

The story of the Canaanite woman we read in today’s gospel plays as a reminder to us in the present context our world and country. The woman’s faith and perseverance in adversity and even rebuke is what Jesus praises. “O woman, great is your faith!” Then he continues, “Let it be done for you as you wish.”

These words from the Lord will always resonate in our own ears in times of trials and challenges. In our daily life, there are times we face some frightening silence from the Lord when we cry out to Him. He seems not concerned with our fates, and we are tempted to give up. The story of the woman in today’s gospel invites us to proceed otherwise. We are called to persevere in faith because God who knows what is best for us will always grant us at the appropriate time.

What then about our current situation? This is a very difficult time for the world and our country. It is a time that has seen a rise in intolerance and every kind of challenge. Sometimes, like the woman in today’s gospel we will hear things which make us uncomfortable from our friends, our relatives and even from the Church. The temptation for us will be to give up and search for safe haven or places where we feel more comfortable. Yet, today’s episode shows us that the word of God will always challenge us in our comfort zones. Our perseverance in faith and prayers will give us the strength to continue to follow Christ and to experience the blessing He shares with those who remain faithful to Him.

As we continue to cry out to the Lord for help, let us also pray for more faith to resist the waves of today’s world and hold one another on the journey to fulfillment of God’s plan for his people. And let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.

Fr. Emery


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