Dear friends,
Last week we reflected on the Lord’s call to pass through the narrow gate as we strive to fulfill the requirements of discipleship. This weekend’s readings bring to light another virtue that stands as a big challenge to social relationship in the world. They are a call to humility. But what does it mean to be humble? In the eyes of the world, humility seems to be seen either as a sign of weakness or self defeat. This understanding of the virtue of humility shapes the world so much so that humility has become the reverse of the virtue a human person should hold on in their individual life as well as in social relationships.
Today’s readings stand at odds with the above statements. Humility is presented to us first of all as recognition and openness to the grace of God. As such, it is a virtue that everyone should strive to acquire as we lift our eyes to God to ask for the grace of sincere relationship with him. Once we long for sincere relationship with God, we start looking at all that surrounds us as a gift from God. Humility, therefore, helps build self-esteem based of the remembrance and recognition that there is always greater than us, and that we are not our own creators.
In addition to being a disposition of openness to God’s grace and sincere relationship with him, humility is a loving acceptance of our own limitations and shortcomings. The latter requires trust and confidence in God as the source and end of our journey as disciples. Humble trust and confidence in God will lead us to look at criticism, opposition and even humiliations through new lenses. Therefore, humility teaches us to we have to let God do things his own ways in our life.
As we humbly strive to allow God be all in and for us, let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish family.
Father Emery