Holy Cross Catholic Church

Fr. Emery's Blog

Fr. Emery's Blog

The Ascension of the Lord (Spanish) - May 16, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 5/12/21

Queridos amigos,

Hoy es la Fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor. Después de preparar a sus discípulos sobre su partida, pero asegurándoles que no los dejen huérfanos, Cristo entra en su gloria a la vista de sus discípulos. Regresa al cielo de donde vino. Él hace esto no solo ... Read More »

The Ascension of the Lord - May 16, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 5/12/21

Dear Friends,

Today is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. After preparing his disciples about his departure but assuring them not to leave them like orphans, Christ enters in his glory at the sight of his disciples. He goes back to heaven where he came from. He ... Read More »

6th Sunday in Easter (Spanish) - May 9, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 5/06/21

Queridos amigos,

Este fin de semana celebramos el Día de la Madre. En primer lugar, quisiera desear una feliz fiesta a todas las madres. Algo que me sorprende de esta fiesta es el choque cultural que la acompaña. En mi cultura congoleña, llamamos “maman” a toda mujer por respeto, ... Read More »

6th Sunday in Easter - May 9, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 5/06/21

Dear Friends,

This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day. I would like first of all to wish a happy feast day to all the mothers. Something that strikes me about this feast  is the cultural shock that comes with it. In my Congolese culture, we call every woman “Maman” out ... Read More »

5th Sunday in Easter (Spanish) - May 2, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/29/21

Queridos amigos,

Mayo es el mes de María y muchas cosas están sucediendo en nuestra familia parroquial: Primera Comunión para nuestros estudiantes de Formación en la Fe, Rosario en la Gruta todos los sábados antes de la Santa Misa de la mañana, Coronación de Mayo, etc. ¡Qué momento tan ... Read More »

5th Sunday in Easter - May 2, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/29/21

Dear Friends,

May is the month of Mary, and so many things are going on in our parish family: First Communion for our Faith Formation students, Rosary at the Grotto every Saturday before the morning Holy Mass , May Crowning, and so on. What a wonderful time to deepen ... Read More »

4th Sunday in Easter (Spanish) - April 25, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/22/21

Queridos amigos,

Hoy celebramos lo que se llama “Domingo del Buen Pastor”. Después de decirnos que Él es el Pan que vino del cielo e invitarnos a creer en Él, Cristo da un paso más para presentarse como el Buen Pastor, que realmente es. Porque como él dice, el ... Read More »

4th Sunday in Easter - April 25, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/22/21

Dear Friends,

Today we celebrate what is called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” After telling us that He is the Bread that came from heaven and inviting us to believe in Him, Christ takes one step further to introduce himself as the Good Shepherd, which he truly is. Because as he ... Read More »

3rd Sunday in Easter (Spanish) - April 18, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/15/21


La obligación general de asistir a Misa los domingos y días de precepto (incluso la Misa de Vigilia de las 4 p.m. o más tarde del día anterior) será restablecida y se pondrá en vigor en la Diócesis de St. Petersburg el sábado 22 de ... Read More »

3rd Sunday in Easter - April 18, 2021

Posted by Marie Meza on 4/15/21


The general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (including the Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm or later on the previous day) is to be reinstated in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, effective Saturday, May 22, 2021.

Considering the necessity of being ... Read More »


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